
Update Azure CosmosDB RU using Powershell Azure Function

This article is one of the implementations of my previous article Optimize the cost of Azure Cosmos DB, I recommended, scale-up/ scale-down Cosmos DB RU according to your business hours, help you to save money. In my current application, we have 6 Environments (Development, Integration, Performance, QA, Stage and Production), except the production environment, I want to scale-down CosmosDB RU in non-business hours (7 PM to 10 AM and weekends) and scale-up RU on business hours (10 AM to 7 PM). Application won't stop by scale-down RU, but won't able to handle high workload.


IoT Smart Bin

Smart Bin IoT Solution using ESP32 and Azure

Recently, I bought ESP32S IoT microcontroller from Amazon to do some POC and get some insight from microcontroller and sensor. I spend 2-3 days to setup and run basic samples (LED on-off, connect WiFI, Send touch sensor data on Cloud etc.) using micro-python. Then I start work on Smart Bin POC (just for fun).


Run Azure Functions in a Docker Container

Run Azure Function in a Docker container and run anywhere!

As you might already aware that .NET Core is a cross-platform applications targeting Windows, Linux and macOS and Docker gives more flexibility to run .Net Core application anywhere any devices. Latest Azure function version 2 runs on .NET Core, which means it is cross-platform. Anyone wants to run Azure function on Linux or small non-windows devices can easily run same Azure functions.


Maintain state in Azure Stream Analytics

Maintain Custom State in Azure Stream Analytics using Blob

Azure Stream Analytics is easy to get started. It only takes a few clicks to connect to multiple sources, sinks and to create an end-to-end pipeline, and is based on temporal window. Stream analytics maintain state based on window you are using in your ASA query. If you want to maintain some custom state based on your window result, I don't see any out of box solution.


Optimize the cost of Azure Cosmos DB

How to reduce Azure CosmosDB cost

I used Azure Cosmos DB in many projects and heard common concern from application owner and stakeholder is Cosmos DB is best NOSQL database but it's very costly!


How to use Azure Key Vault Secrets using Manage Identity

In this post, I shared how to use Azure Key Vault Secrets in Azure Function using Manage Idenity

One of the common concern of every application, either On-premises or Cloud, how to manage application keys and secrets? Keeping credential, secrets and other keys is an important task. Keeping sensitive information in code is not a good practice. Most people keep application keys and secrets in application config file (JSON or XML) and change those value according to environments. I followed the same practice with Azure Function, WebJob and Web App.


What is the reason of your Azure WebJobs stop/restart?

Start/Stop Continuous Azure WebJobs activity log

In this post, I shared how to use Azure activity log to find Azure WebJobs stop/restart problem.